Our First Grant – Christmas Island Outfitters, Kiribati



The Ambleve Bedrock Foundation is proud to provide grants to people and communities globally who have been economically devastated by COVID-19 travel bans.  With an eye toward preserving priceless fishing destinations and aiding the people who live and work in those places, our first grant of US$20,000 was allocated to Christmas Island Outfitters, operating in the remote Pacific Island nation of Kiribati.  Thanks to Brian, Kenny and the rest of the Fly Water Travel team for helping us to bring this grant to fruition.

Kiribati (Christmas Island) was one of the first places in the world to close due to the pandemic.  This has left the guides, staff and those who depend upon them without income since February 2020.  We were initially inspired by Fly Water Travel’s GoFundMe, which helped to smooth out life for the guide team through the middle of 2020 by raising over US$15,000.  The Ambleve Bedrock Foundation’s grant builds upon that effort by providing funding to help sustain more than 10 Christmas Island Outfitters staff and their families well into 2021.